Thursday, January 20, 2011


in language B in grade 6 I learned about grammar. there are different types of grammar like noun,verb,adjective,adverb.this are different types of noun and I will tell you about Common Noun,Proper Noun,Compound Noun,Singular Noun,Plural Noun,Concrete Noun,Abstract Noun and i will tell the definition about those world. A common noun place,person,thing,idea. A proper noun is a name of a specific of a one thing. A compound noun is a two that are combined into a one word. Singular noun is just one thing or word and prular noun is more then one thing or word just the opposite of singular noun.
A concrete noun is that things you can sense but if it's an abstract noun you can only sense with your 5 senses. it was kind of fun to learn this words and meaning. Please leave a comment.

Broken Technology

Hey world watch this funny video about a broken blackberry,apple and a new eggs-box 360. And if you want to watch this video at Youtube click here